Democratization OF Energy is Here!
Power From The People!
Ready to revolutionize energy? Join the GenX platform today and take the first step towards a more sustainable, equitable and profitable energy future. 
At GenX We’re (RE)defining Power

At GenX, we’re more than just an VPP; we’re a movement towards the democratization of Energy. The democratization of energy holds transformative potential that can empower individuals and communities in the fight to stabilize energy infrastructure as we move to an electrified future. Together we can address economic, environmental, social, and sustainability challenges on a global scale. As we move towards a more decentralized and sustainable energy future, the impacts of energy democratization will be profound and far-reaching, redefining how we produce, consume, and interact with energy in our daily lives.

Our innovative platform empowers individuals and communities to become active participants in the energy market, driving economic, environmental, and social change. Discover our range of products and programs designed to make renewable energy accessible, efficient, and profitable for everyone.

Fun Fact:

It is forecasted that the global battery capacity will reach 40,000GW (Or 160,000GWh) by 2050.

Fun Fact:

Morgan Stanley is estimating global data center power use will triple this year, from ~15 TWh in 2023 to ~46 TWh in 2024.

Why GenX?

Innovative Power Solutions: Our suite of products is tailored to meet the diverse needs of the energy market.

Real-Time Market Access

Inclusive Power Programs

Emergency Preparedness

Generate Income or Savings

Simply Integrate

Follow our simple integration process to participate!

Easy To Customize

Every solution you are looking for we take a bespoke approach to!

Embrace the future. Embrace GenX. Your energy, your power.
Democratization OF Energy is Here!